Committed to improving the water quality of Jed River
Our purpose is to create a central place to share information, research, events, plans and ideas to enhance our Jed River and its tributaries.
In August 2019, the Cheviot Community launched the very beginnings of a development plan to restore the Jed River by starting the discussion at a community meeting. On this page you will find published scientific research completed to date, If we all have the same information it will help us with our discussions to come up with future plans/ideas/options to enhance and restore the Jed River and it’s tributaries.
Resources available to download
Key issues identified during our August 2019 meeting:
Water quality
Blocked water flow from clogging of willows & other weeds
Opening river mouth
Aquatic species
Swim-able river
Anaerobic pools
Low flow - trickle or flood scenario
Floods (Buxton camp ground, coastal erosion)
Bottle neck during a flood at the Main Road bridge
No flow out to sea (most of the time)
Improved appearance, native planting
Main Road planting
Blocked water flow from clogging of willows & other weeds
Septic run off from effluent station
Drain rather than a stream (septic)
Polluted water signs on the Main Road
Coastal nesting birds, salt marsh
Ducks (E. Coli)
Research / Information / Other
More information (tests)
Living Streams test results
Ownership, who's responsible
Walking track needed
Small catchment
Stream fencing
Possible resolutions:
Bore poison willows before removal
Funding / ownership?
After removal what's next? Slumping river beds > plan
Timing, consider future floods
Research / knowledge on feasibility
Plan / map of river
Wetland development
Flooding research - why?
Where - plan of areas
Research septic system
Timing - consider future flooding
Public testing results - database + starting point of history out there
Create plan / strategy - costing?
Keep community informed
Cheviot web page, HDC website + facebook page.
A formal committee was elected on November 18th 2020. The committee is working towards consolidating the vision, goals and first projects for the group. We are also looking forward to partnering with Te Runanga o Kaikoura and joining the Hurunui District Landcare Group; working together to improving the overall mauri/lifeforce of the Jed River catchment.
To learn more, please contact:
Chairperson: Catherine Maxwell
Phone: 021 138 3841
Co-ordinator: Heidi Tirikatene-Nash
Phone: 021 457 276
Email: jedrivercp@gmail.com