The Cheviot community
Cheviot is the economic and social hub of a largely rural district of around 1,500 people and is administered by the Hurunui District Council. It is a safe and friendly village that supports an impressive variety of groups and organisations, sports and cultural facilities. Cheviot's community spirit far outweighs its physical size.
While predominately a rural community, its growing town centre and proximity to Gore Bay continues to attract new residents who appreciate Cheviot’s old fashioned community values.
Cheviot Area School takes students from new entrants through to Year 13 while two pre-schools take care of the under fives.
Alongside the town's shops and services are a medical centre, dedicated emergency services, rest home, three churches, a museum and an excellent public library.
While sheep, beef, and deer farming are the prevalent land use in the Cheviot district, viticulture is taking root along with traditional and alternative horticulture.
Cheviot Community Vehicle
There is a car in Cheviot provided for residents who need a ride to town and back and are unable to drive themselves. The car is managed by the Cheviot Community Vehicle Trust Board on behalf of the Cheviot community, and is driven by generous local volunteer drivers who are all police checked. It can be used for medical appointments and some other occasions such as funerals depending on the availability of a driver.
The cost is $50.00 for one person, $30.00 each for two and $20.00 each for three for a round trip to Christchurch.
Ring 03 319 8630 to book the vehicle before the day of travel.
We are always looking for more drivers so if you are interested in doing this for us please contact Bev Thiele on 03 319 2700.
Halls & Rooms for Hire
Cheviot Area St John
The Cheviot St John Ambulance is run entirely by local volunteers. After years of fundraising we were able to move into our new station, complete with volunteer accommodation and Training Room.
This Training Room, including full kitchen facilities, is available for professional hire (limited to 35 people). Please phone Lucy Spencer on 027 637 2437 for further information.
In addition to providing emergency services Cheviot Area St John also has a junior section; Penguins and Cadets, which has proven very popular with immense support from the local children/youth and their parents.
If you are thinking of moving to the area and are interested in joining our dedicated team, contact Karen Crampton on 027 666 0506.
Knox Church and Hall
The Church can be hired for local weddings for a $200 donation to the Cheviot Knox Community Centre Trust. It is also available for local funerals and christenings for a $100 donation.
The Hall can be hired for $11 donation per hour.
Also for hire are:
7 trestle tables at $5 each
25 chairs at $1 each
100 dinner plates, 100 entrée plates, 100 side plates, 100 pudding plates all at 30 cents a piece.
60 cups and saucers at 30 cents a set.
Please contact Janine Sundberg on 021 186 4284 to book or for more information.
Cheviot Community Gym
The gym is located at the Cheviot Medical Centre. Memberships are from February for 12months Membership fees can be paid online or by cash at the Medical Centre.
Any enquires please contact the centre on 03 3198630.
Membership Fees
Family: $100
Single: $70
Bond for Key $50 to access after medical centre hours.
Justice of the Peace and Celebrants
Justice of Peace
B K Macfarlane: 03 3192 708
R.F Wilding: 03 3192 731
Mrs T K Harmon: 027 445 6959 (also available at Cheviot Library Service Centre Wed-Fri – (03) 319 8134)
Wedding and Funeral Celebrant
Contact: Ange Davidson
Phone: 0274 914 770
Email: ange@plimsoll.co.nz
Cheviot Library and Service Centre
Hurunui District Council Service Centre,
39 Hall Street, Cheviot
Phone: 03 319 8134
Service Centre: A/H 03 319 8812 (Answered 24/7 by Hurunui District Council in Amberley). Open Saturday 10 - 12 Noon.
Monday to Friday
(Closed for lunch)
North Canterbury Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau provides free and confidential advice to everyone. We take the time to listen to you and equip you with the information, options and support that fit your needs. Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 3.30pm.
Phone: 03 313 8822
Freephone: 0800 367 222
Cheviot Civil Defence
CD Sector Post Coordinator.
Contact: Bruce Nicol
Phone: 0274 555 163
Email: cd@hurunui.govt.nz
Cheviot Plunket
Contact: Jess Hough
Phone: 021 231 6017
Email: jess_taylor@hotmail.com
Fortnightly Move and Groove at the Cheviot Knox Community Centre during school term time.
Refuse & Recycling
Cheviot Transfer Station
Cheviot transfer station is on Mina Road (off Hall Street) and open between 10am and 1pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. The site is closed on public holidays.
Via the transfer station, glass bottles, food and drink cans, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, plastic bottles and containers, car batteries, engine oil, electronic waste, televisions, empty gas bottles, fire extinguishers, green (garden) waste, scrap metal, white goods, paint and lighting tubes can be recycled.
Advice will be provided on site, regarding where to place waste and recycling and regarding the procedures to follow.
Hurunui District Council – Refuse and Recycling Collection Service
Hurunui Council provides a household and commercial dual collection service. Dual collection means refuse and recycling is collected at the same time using a single vehicle and recycling trailer. Household and commercial refuse and recycling is collected on:
Wednesday in Cheviot
Monday in Gore Bay
There are no collections on public holidays, changes are advertised.
Kerbside Collections in the Cheviot and Gore Bay Townships
Council rubbish bags can be purchased from the Service Centre or Cheviot Four Square supermarket for $2.50 each. Rubbish bags in Cheviot township are collected on a Wednesday or rubbish bags can be dropped at the transfer station free of charge (if using council bags). If using other plastic bags (non council bags) these can be dropped at the transfer station at a cost of $2.50 per bag.
Recycling rubbish bags are 50 cents each and can be purchased from the Service Centre and Cheviot Four Square.
Household and Commercial Recycling – Guidelines
Via the recycling collections, it is possible to recycle the following, which must be placed loose in an official Hurunui District Council recycling bag.
Clean newspapers, magazines and telephone directories.
Clean cardboard, greetings cards and egg boxes.
Clean office waste paper, junk mail and envelopes.
Clean food, drink and pet food cans.
Clean plastic bottles (no lids), plastic containers and carrier bags.
Cardboard and newspapers, which will not fit in the recycling bags should be flattened and tied into secure bundles or put in a cardboard box (not exceeding 7kg) for collection.
The following must not be put in the household or commercial recycling bags:
Polystyrene and meat trays.
Plastic strapping.
Food or garden waste.
Glass bottles (these can recycled via the transfer station for no charge).
Recycling bags must be securely tied and at the kerbside boundary by 8am on collection day. Bags split prior to the contractors arrival, are not the crew’s responsibility to clean up.
Household and Commercial Refuse – Guidelines
Only official Hurunui District Council refuse bags will be collected. These must be left at the kerbside boundary of the property by 8am on collection day.
Refuse will not be collected if:
The bag exceeds the allowable 15kg weight or is not securely tied.
The bag contains something which could endanger the collector or vehicle e.g. medical or hazardous waste, needles, animal waste, ashes, sharp objects or liquids.
The bag is full of bottles or contains unwrapped glass.
Bags split prior to the contractors arrival, are not the crew’s responsibility to clean up.
Rural Refuse and Recycling Collections
Rural householders can use the refuse and / or recycling collection service providing official Hurunui Council refuse and recycling bags are used and the collection guidelines followed.
For the Cheviot and Gore Bag area, contact Hurunui District Council to arrange a collection location.
Recycling Banks
The Council provides recycling banks in Cheviot (behind the Service Centre) and in Gore Bay (by the public toilets), through which glass bottles, food, drink and pet food cans, newspapers, magazines, cardboard, egg boxes, junk mail, office paper, telephone directories and plastic bottles can be recycled.
Refuse or recycling must not be left around the recycling bins.
Cheviot Emergency Services
Cheviot Volunteer Fire Brigade
Address: 8 McQueens Road
Call 111 in an emergency.
New Volunteers always welcome. Contact Chris Hill on 027 435 1658.
Address: 8 McQueens Road
Phone: 03 319 8845
St John Ambulance
Address: Buckley Street
Call 111 in an emergency.
St John Health Shuttle
Is now available for those attending medical appointments between 10.45am and 2pm in Christchurch. If you are able to get yourself to Amberley but are not so confident driving to/in town, you can book on 0800 383 373 by 3pm the day before.
Cheviot Community Gardens and Orchard
One of the distinguishing features of Cheviot are the numerous old trees planted by forward thinking people, many years ago. The orchard looks to continue in that spirit.
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." - Greek Proverb
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb
This project hopes to be a number of things besides a source of fresh fruit...
Orchard work days can be a catalysing event around which interested community members can gather and work on a shared outcome
Plant resource base for appropriate plant species and varieties
A source of inspiration, knowledge and plant material for individuals looking to grow something closer to home
Education of plant propagation, establishment and maintenance procedures
Support and donations
If you would like to make a donation and support this project you can do so by depositing money into Cheviot A&P Association, BNZ 02 0800 0184792 00 (reference orchard) or cash to A&P treasurer Kirsten McNabb, 18 Rolleston Street.
Cheviot MenzShed Community Trust
Our Group meets on Sunday's 10am to 12 noon and Wednesday evenings 7 - 9pm at the Woodwork room at Cheviot Area School.
We are looking for Community projects and welcome new members, For more info contact Bruce Nicol on 0274 555 163 or email us on cheviotmenzshed@gmail.com
Cheviot A&P Association
Showgrounds on Seddon Street. Annual A&P Show 2nd Saturday in March.
Contact: Lorraine Gardner
Phone: 027 5464223
Website: https://showday.online/cheviot
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/810302122337427
Cheviot Toy Library
A Frame on Hutchison Street. Follow on Facebook for opening hours as they are subject to change. Outside of these hours please send us a message on Facebook.
Cheviot Home and School
Contact: Anna Toni
Phone: 022 317 8091
Cheviot Community Committee
Contact: Catherine Maxwell (Chairperson)
Phone: 021 138 3841