Cheviot Museum
Cheviot Museum
A very well appointed museum on Hall Street explores the fascinating social history that saw Cheviot evolve from a pastoral run to a thriving rural community.
Open: Sunday and Tuesday - 12pm till 3pm, Wed and Friday - 10am till 3pm.
Kate Nicol: 021 440 614
Hall Street, Cheviot.
Alternatively, you can email cheviotmuseum@amuri.net.
The Cheviot Cancer Support Group
The Cheviot Cancer Support Group supports patients and their families both during and post treatment, providing care packages, petrol vouchers, meals and baking and whatever else is needed.
We have a Cuppa and Chat morning every second Wednesday of the month at the Cheviot Craft Center 10.00am - 11.30am
For more information Contact Tracy Findlay on 027 7409 855 or Lorraine Hansen 027 3906 907.
Cheviot LIONS
The Lions Club of Cheviot is made up of men and women from the Cheviot community. As of September 2019 we have 31 members. We meet on the second Wednesday at 7:00pm each month at the Cheviot Trust Hotel for some fellowship and a meal. During the meal we run a semi formal meeting when members are informed of decisions made by the Board of Directors regarding upcoming projects or events.
Contact the secretary via cheviotnzlions@gmail.com
Learn more about us at www.cheviotnzlions.club
To speak with the current Cheviot Lions secretary (Geoff Sherwood), call 0274419398.
Cheviot Netball
Contact: Kelly Hanna
Phone: 03 319 8939
Email: kels.collins@gmail.com
Swimming Club
Contact: Ginny Allison
Phone: 027 333 1487
Cheviot Cricket Club
Contact: Anna Sidey (Secretary/Treasurer)
Phone: 027 238 0334
Cheviot Rugby Club
Contact: Tom Ensor
Phone: 027 580 0229
Function bookings:
Contact: Krytsal Donaldson
Phone: 027 843 9331
Cheviot Cricket Club
Cheviot Squash Club
Contact: Jeremy Winskill (Chairperson)
Phone: 027 917 4836
Every Friday night, 5.30pm – 8pm
Cheviot Bowling Club
Contact: Bruce Gardner
Phone: 027 339 8123
Cheviot Golf Club
'The best 12 hole golf course in New Zealand.'
Open Daily. Green fees $20 for 18 holes, $15 for 12 holes or less.
To become a member or for more information contact Trina Reid at
cheviotgolfclub@gmail.com or call 027 316 6812. Alternatively, call Brad Clouston on 027 552 1355. For ladies golf, contact Jen Le Pine on 021 140 4020.
Cheviot Tennis Club
Contact: Emma Mulcock
Phone: 027 227 9075
Email: emmafjean@hotmail.com
Cheviot Golf Club
Gore Bay Board Riders
Contact: Heidi Tirikatene - Nash
Email: gorebayboardriders@gmail.com
Sunday Social Basketball
Contact: Toka Te Taua
Phone: 0274 292 892
Cheviot Equestrian Ground
This group is fundraising to complete their arena located on Ward Road between the Show grounds and The Rugby Club grounds. If anyone is keen to be involved in helping to fundraise and/or involved in future group events, please get in touch.
Emmy Maxwell
Phone: 027 722 2512
Colette Barrow
Phone: 027 528 7063
Email: thebarrows@xtra.co.nz
Garden Club
Contact: Wendy Pain (Chairperson)
Phone: 027 392 3279
Email: bennett@amuri.net
Meet third monday of the Month (not August or January). Join us to visit local and district gardens as a social group.
Contact: Jen Le Pine
Phone: 03 319 8096
Email: tim.jen@scorch.co.nz
1st Wednesday of the month – Knox Hall
Cheviot Beautification Group
Contact: Maria Noering
Phone: 021 122 0283
Gore Bay Ratepayers association
Contact: Julie Graham
Phone: cjgraham@scorch.co.nz
Contact: Kate Nicol
Phone: 021 440 614
Contact: Marg
Phone: 027 711 1793
Meet Monday in the Knox Community Centre at 1pm (not in school holidays).
Contact: Heb Wiesen
Phone: 022 658 1405
This group provides feedback to the Community Committee on issues relating to reserves in the Cheviot District.
A gathering place for people to meet and share arts & crafts.
Address: 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot
Email: max6@xtra.co.nz
The Hurunui Index
The Hurunui Index is a website listing clubs, charities and other community organisations in our district. It is created by the Hurunui Tech Club with support from the Amberley Residents' Association. To learn more about the Hurunui Index click on the button below: